Political Parties
Political Parties
Mainstream Media, Tech and Political Parties act like one when it comes to new views.
Way too much propaganda out there nowadays.
After 3 Years of scientific fraud starting with Defender2020, the german regime is in a war with russia.
We strictly oppose warmongers on any side. But especially those in germany.
We do not like to be involved in any war. We would like to stay out of suicidal nonesense.
Since we have not been asked, we have nothing to do with it, whatsoever.
Do not even dare to try.
We keep spreading love, peace and unity.
How about NOT voting for any of those mainstream parties.
Say NO to:
CDU/CSU, SPD,FDP, Gruene, Linke, AFD
Take a closer look at high potentials having at least some minimum standards.
We do not care for whom you vote. Just vote sth. different.
Here is an example for an alternate political party:
Whatever you do. Do sth. else than voting for your oppressors.
Start consuming legit non-mainstream media and stop supporting this nonesense now.